Dear Women in Mining,
We hope you enjoy this beautiful summer!
The first half of 2011 has flown by, as we reorganised WIM’s Committees, appointed two new Directors and hired our Senior Administrator. We hope these first steps will continue to allow Women in Mining to grow into the organisation you deserve.
Throughout this time, our Platinum Sponsor Anglo American has continually supported Women in Mining in its growth. This summer we will celebrate our first year of cooperation and wanted to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the commitment shown to Women in Mining by Anglo American and the efforts of the working group we meet regularly. Anglo American will remain our Platinum Sponsor, even as we continue to seek additional funding to allow us to achieve all our objectives.
On 26 July 2011, Anglo American will host the first WIM Workshop, an afternoon of seminars and discussions focusing on the theme of “Working in Partnership”. This is a new event format for WIM, allowing participants not only to learn from the speakers but also to share their own experience on a topic that is particularly relevant to the mining industry. We look forward to seeing you there!
Following this, we will finalise the calendar of WIM Events for the rest of 2011 which will include a joint event with the AMA in September, Drinks in October, the Education Event in November and Mines and Money London in December. We urgently need volunteers to form an Events Committee to organise these and future events: if this is of interest, or if your firm could provide event support on a pro bono basis, please contact us!
We wish you a happy summer and look forward to seeing you soon!
The Directors
Women in Mining Survey
We are extending the response period for our third annual survey, which focuses on the services to WIM Members. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief online survey to let us know how you think we are doing, what we could do better and how you would like to see the organisation evolve. Your feedback is very important to us and will guide all the work of the Directors and Committees.
A link to the WIM Survey on SurveyMonkey has been provided in the email newsletter circulated to all WIM members. If you missed it, or if you have any trouble with it, please contact us.
Upcoming Event
26 July 2011 — WIM Workshop — Anglo American
The ability to partner effectively is essential in business today. Whether with suppliers, governments, communities or industry – many corporate objectives cannot be achieved unilaterally.
This will be the focus of the first Women in Mining workshop hosted by Anglo American, our Platinum Sponsor, on the theme of “Working in Partnership” on 26 July 2011 from 14:00 to 17:00. Please join us for an afternoon of lively debate followed by networking drinks: click here to find out more and register.
The agenda for the afternoon includes Anglo American speakers and their external partners sharing their experiences of partnering on projects within the Supply Chain and Social and Community Development areas as well as the experiences of CO3, a Social Enterprise Group with extensive experience in the Mining sector. There will be time for discussion & debate and we hope that you will be able to stay for drinks and the opportunity to socialise with fellow members and Anglo American representatives.
WIM Website — Please register!
We are delighted to report that we are back online following a major server incident which affected our website throughout the month of June: most of the content has been restored and we will continue to work on any missing content. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. The website will become the main information platform of our group, and it is our ambition to transfer the entire membership online in the coming weeks: to remain on WIM mailing lists, each member will have to register in our online database. It takes a few minutes and will create a stronger, better connected WIM community.
The Directory is at the core of the website’s Members’ Zone: we hope this will greatly facilitate contacts between members and be a useful networking tool and contacts database for you. Although most of the website content is public, access to the Members’ Zone is restricted to registered members and requires a personal password.
You may be registered on other websites, including the WIM International Portal operated separately by Barbara Dischinger: these two communities are not connected and you will need to register on the WIM UK website. There is unfortunately some confusion as all WIM groups entitle their websites “women in mining”: ours is the only one at .ORG.UK… where you are reading this newsletter!
So if you have not done so already please click here and register today, it only takes a couple of minutes! Should you have any queries or difficulties registering, please contact our Senior Administrator, Lorna Thomas ( / 077 0362 1940). Please note that some members’ profiles have been affected by the server failure, and Lorna will be in touch with the relevant members soon to remedy the situation.
In case you missed it, we report on…
Women in Energy Day—19 May 2011
Over 150 women, including a number of WIM members, participated in the fifth annual Women In The Energy Sector Seminar on 19 May 2011, around the ambitious topic of “Having It All”. The day of seminars and workshops was held in the prestigious Royal School of Mines at Imperial College, and organised by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Throughout the four sessions, speakers, panellists and participants had an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics focusing on career progression and the skills and tools that may be necessary or helpful to achieve it.
A number of professions and businesses were represented among the participants, allowing constructive debate and the sharing of different experiences and approaches.