Last year a small group of male and female Fellows met to discuss whether IOM3 should develop a network focused on the needs and requirements of female members. The facilitator was Dr Irene Turner from University of Bath. It was agreed that all women Fellows should be contacted to ask their thoughts. Ninety were asked for their views and there was overwhelming support for measures to support networking and mentoring for female members, and to work in schools to educate girls about the benefits of a career in science and engineering, particularly in the disciplines covered by the Institute. Only 3% of Fellows are women, compared to 10% of the overall membership. Following the positive response from female Fellows, a steering group has been set up to take the initiative forward.
The group members are Dr Irene Turner, Chair – Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Ruth Allington – Chief Engineering Geologist, GWP Consultants LLP, Prof Serena Best – Dept of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Sarah Boad – Membership Development Manager, IOM3, Dr Alicia Chrysostomou – London Metropolitan University, Dr Nuna Staniaszek – Director of Communications, IOM3.
The first meeting was held in May and the initial aims of the group are to:
- raise the profile of women in IOM3
- investigate the work of other professional science and engineering organisations in relation to female members
- engage with younger members of IOM3 to seek their views
- have a dialogue with all female members regarding mentoring, networking and education
- consider holding a networking and professional development event
All female members will be contacted by email during June to ask if they would like to be a mentor or be mentored, or be involved in networking events, an online forum via the IOM3 website or in other ways.
The group is keen to hear members’ views. Dr Irene Turner commented, ‘We want to find out what our female members think – what are they interested in and what contribution they can offer to support the work of the group and their fellow members’.
Please send your views to Sarah Boad, Membership Development Manager,
For communications/ press contact Viki Taylor