Women in Mining is growing — let’s work together to make it happen!
We are currently looking for a number of volunteers to participate in the various committees and projects of Women in Mining. Except for ad hoc projects such as the survey, we would ask you to commit for a period of a year, allowing each Committee to plan ahead. We are also in the process of recruiting a Network Administrator who, starting from March 2011, will support the directors and committee members in conducting projects and activities.
Look out for the newsletter in the coming days for a profile of the new Network Administrator and an update on WIM’s structure. Ideas, questions? Click here to share them with us.
- In 2011, the Membership Committee will focus on developing connections with and among members, increasing membership especially of senior and technical women in the industry and improving existing services offered to members (through surveys, contact with members, feedback, etc.). Three volunteers are needed to help the existing Membership Committee members with these tasks. Regular meetings are in central London, although members unable to attend meetings can also participate via conference call. Click here to get in touch!
- In 2011, the Education Committee will focus on strengthening relations with UK universities, organising events in universities throughout the year and a WIM Education Event in October. Two volunteers are needed to maintain connections with universities and coordinate the preparation of events, which should take a few hours per month including regular conference calls or meetings. Click here to help us reach out to students and academics! We also need WIM members who could participate in some of the events in universities — please visit our Education page for the list of universities we are in contact with, and click here to let us know if we could contact you to speak at events in some of them.
- In 2011, the Publications Committee will continue to publish the WIM newsletter, though this will be at two month intervals, and will update the website with news and announcements in the interim periods. Three volunteers are needed to source information and provide articles from time to time; One volunteer is needed to become editor of the newsletter, which will include coordination with other volunteers and with the WIM administrator who will prepare the newsletter and upload content onto the website. We anticipate this should take two or three hours per month. This is a great way to be in touch with Women in Mining, so click here to participate in this key aspect of the network!
- The WIM Annual Survey will be conducted in Q1 and Q2 2011 . We need two volunteers to lead this project, including coordinating with other committees to prepare questions in February and March, putting the survey online in March, monitoring responses and downloading results in April and May. This task should be facilitated by the use of an online service like SurveyMonkey (or other such service to be identified), so if you have any experience with this, please click here and get involved!
We will also need more volunteers in Q3 and Q4 to prepare the end of year events and in particular Mines and Money 2011 — we will revert on this in due course!